Environment Policy
Tech-Care BV has put the goal to decrease worldwide our environmental impact. This we achieve by giving the photocopiers /printers a second live, re use the packing materials, making sure that we purchase less polluting materials. Besides this we try to continuously improve our environmental performance. The organization complies with all legal and other environmental requirements, as well as the environmental aspects we subscribed to ourselves.
Environmental objectives and corresponding targets are based on this policy
The environmental policy is public, and through this manual has been expressed to all employees and people working for the company.Environmental policy is also published on the website of Tech-Care BV
The baseline for the environmental control system is ensured in accordance on standards NEN-EN-ISO14001:2004 and the SCCM environmental management certification system according to ISO14001. All employees for or on behalf of Tech-Care are obliged to carry out their work according the ISO14001 system